Friday, December 16, 2011

Can someone give me directions to Google?

I got lost at the myspace exit, and ended up at yahoo|||You drive by McDonalds then you turn left on Stamper Ln... and there it will be...

wait... that's the directions to my house... : /

yeah, now I'm lost too.|||now bare with me, this is a long and difficult task, for stupid people it is almost impossible.

click the area at the top of your screen that is white and should say yahoo on it , okay you go that far?

type the letter

then you will be to the google exit.

if you have trouble email me :]|||鈥?/a> your welcome heehee|||try GOOGLE it always works. lol GOOD LUCK...... btw thnx for the best answer! :]|||Try getting lost at Yahoo exit and you might end up at google.|||Oh that's a tough one, you're gonna have to Google it.


Agh, darn, Tom H beat me.|||Don't you have a google toolbar? Download one if you don't.|||I dunno google it dude|||take a right on Sesame Street and turn left. You should be there!

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