Friday, December 16, 2011

The directions to my house on google maps is incorrect-how do I get them to change it/who do I contact?

It is so frustrating having parties, etc. at my house because google maps has mislabled the street that leads to my house. Someone invariably gets lost-with good reason. I need to know how to inform them of this mistake. Thanks in advance!|||Try Yahoo, AAA, or Mapquest.

Or give them the closest intersection.|||Good luck changing the incorrect info. Check other sites %26amp; see who has the directions correctly listed. At my job, I tell people to use either Yahoo Maps or Google Maps, Mapquest will get you lost. I can do this because I checked out the directions ahead of time. Everytime I map something %26amp; check more than one source %26amp; I still use real folding paper maps.

And remember, you can not change the world to your liking.

You should also write a set of directions to your home %26amp; keep it on file so you can emial, fax or mail the correct directions to your house.|||鈥?/a>

They're working on it.

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